Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Title Of My 100WC IS The Negotiation BY EVAN

The Negotiation

“Mom, can I get a new MacBook?” She instantly replied, “No, I won't get you a new MacBook because yours is just fine.” “..but it is so slow.  I can't do my schoolwork.” She sighed, “Ok, lets go to the Apple store and get the MacBook like you have been asking for.” “Thanks Mom for actually getting me a new computer.  Now I can do my school work.” She said, “It’s okay son, but do not think you will get my old iphone because mine is broken.” I mumbled “fine”. She said, “You might get the new iphone if you get good grades in school, and please remember that!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The title of my 100WC is The Bike That Could Move by Evan

     There was a bright spray-painted yellow bike that could magically move. The bike was really nice. One day, three kids grabbed the bike and attached the bike to a pole. One of the kids eventually came back because they felt bad and untied the bike, and even helped the bike to a safe spot where the bike would not get tied again. Then the other 2 kids came back, and helped the bike, they tied it a pole 30 minutes before. They all sat peacefully complementing the yellow bike. They were all friends after they and they took turns riding the bike after school.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

100wc: There are bears on the road! by Evan

           There are bears on the road!                                                                                          

There once was a furry bear. He really liked music and he loved climbing trees.  One day a vehicle was going above the speed limit and hit the bear, but the guy did not stop. He just kept cruising as fast as you can imagine, but the bear said in his head “I will remember this so watch out ”.
The bear did not mean any harm, he just wanted the man to say sorry. The man did not stop when the bear signaled his hands to the driver to slow down. But the man got out of his car a little bit past the bear, and helped him out and said “sorry”. Sometimes when we do not expect kindness, it can still be there.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The title of my 100 word challenge is It by Evan


There was a scary-looking monster who wanted to spread kindness. He was starving for affection and he asked a woman “Which way to the shops?”,but the monster panted, she got scared and ran away. Next it asked a man, “Do you want a red balloon?” The balloon popped when the guy grabbed it. The monster hugged him and it was not hungry for a hug anymore. Then it saw a boy watching him so he ran after him. It couldn’t catch him, but it had an idea that he would eventually make the boy's day better with kindness.

The Title Of My 100WC IS The Negotiation BY EVAN

The Negotiation BY EVAN “Mom, can I get a new MacBook?” She instantly replied, “No, I won't get you a new MacBook because yours is j...