Monday, October 14, 2019

The Substitute News Story

Hi today i am going to show you my journalist story. We learned how to do journalism for about a month. I think you guys will like this news story that i did.                                                

Mrs.Barnes class at Glenridge elementary had a substitute on Tuesday October 7, 2019, and his name was Mr.Donell. 
Mrs.Barnes was in Florida so Mr.Donell was in charge of the classroom that day. We are going to talk about what happened that day and trust me, there are some interesting stuff so you should read the whole article. Mr.Donell was funny but strict so that day the whole class laughed a lot. But the not so funny part was when he sent three people out of the room. I don't blame him because Mr. Donell said at the beginning of the day “If you talk when I am talking I will throw you out of the room,”. In social studies, he let us choose our partners which was really fun. Then we did math and then recess but math felt really short for some reason. At lunch we did something that we don't really get to do, we got to sit wherever we wanted. For some reason that day was really different. In writing Mr.Donell taught us ending for our journalist piece. If you want a funny substitute you should get Mr.Donell. He made a joke out of everything. For reading Mr.Donell taught us how to discuss in book groups, and he also let us watch a video of some kids doing a discussion about their book group book. Mr.Donell works at Wydown but Mrs.Barnes asked him to come and be a substitute for us. For some reason he kept saying “I am going to earn my one dollar,”.

The day was really fun and if you need a substitute I suggest you get him. Everybody in the class liked him for example David said “ I like him because he was funny, but only when were good,”.

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